The Melrose Management Partnership, LLC

the logo for the melrose management partnership is blue and green .

 Powered by VIVE

a row of houses with solar panels on the roofs .

Vendor Services

The Melrose Management Partnership, LLC

The Melrose Management Partnership, LLC is thankful to the various vendors that have serviced our managed communities over the years. The Melrose Management Partnership, LLC has a fiduciary responsibility to properly screen all vendors prior to authorizing service requests and bidding out contracts. In order to fulfill this responsibility, we have partnered with a vendor compliance firm named Vendor Information Verification Experts (VIVE).

VIVE specializes in certifying vendors in the community management industry. To continue a relationship with The Melrose Management Partnership, LLC all vendors are required to register. The registration process is streamlined and easy, taking approximately 15 minutes and comes with a nominal annual fee.

What's required for registration?

  • Corporate Information
  • Trade Information
  • Submission of Trade License/Certificate
  • Insurance Information
  • Completion of a Vendor Agreement
  • Annual Fee

If you have questions at any point, please contact VIVE through our online chat or toll-free at (844) 476-8038.

Register now with VIVE

Vendor Benefits to Registering with VIVE:

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Vendor Savings Program

  • As part of your VIVE membership, you'll have access to Savings4Members, a national co-op of business owners
  • Program includes an always-growing list of available discounts with leading service providers
  • Save on everyday expenses like fuel, office supplies, payroll and shipping
  • No additional cost or membership fees associated with the program
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  • Increase exposure to other potential clients within the VIVE network
  • Vendors will be listed under a primary trade and up to ten secondary trades
  • Management companies will search for vendors to fulfill RFPs and work orders through a myriad of search criteria enhancing your visibility
  • Approval is good for twelve months and applies to the entire property portfolio of our management company clients
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Equal Treatment

  • Our mutual management company clients establish risk management criteria for all vendors leveling the playing field for all companies working on their properties.
  • Reduced competition from unqualified vendors not approved with VIVE
  • No referral fees
  • Earn business based on qualifications, not advertising fees
  • Increases competitive bid opportunities
  • VIVE does not collect fees for bidding on jobs or when being paid for work obtained through the VIVE system
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Simple, Fast and Secure

  • VIVE offers vendors the easiest registration process in the market, integrating with many of the industry’s leading accounting software systems
  • A VIVE Compliance Specialist will review all compliance findings to ensure a personal and efficient approval process
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